Horse Energy work

Harley is doing great! He was just so peaceful yesterday. Lately he definitely has been grumpy. When you said that he wouldn't disconnect until he got a snuggle, I thought that was interesting. Harley lets me be affectionate to him, but no one else. Well, ever since your session with him, he has been very affectionate and outwardly loving. Every time I went near him, he was like a big puppy. He just wanted love and affection. It was like a wall came down, allowing his true self to step through.”

Heart-Wall free, Harley’s now openly affectionate with the rest of the family too.

Horses have a very distinctive energy, akin to humans. When I work on them, their releases feel the same as when I work on people. I am not specifically a ‘horse person’; I do not ride, nor do I own horses. I think this puts me at a better advantage for not having preconceived ideas about what a horse needs. I simply go into their energy stream and release what needs to be released. So many animals have old baggage and trauma, especially horses, due to their close proximity working with humans. Some animals carry inherited trauma, just like humans, and horses are no exception. Horses are sensitive to their surroundings and can absorb their owners emotions, as well as create their own. They are majestic beings who deserve our love and a clean slate.

A Horse Body Code session is $60
Usually the Heart-Wall is cleared in this session.