About Me

Hi! My name is Kathryn Wyatt

I was a highly sensitive child with an extremely active imagination, but grew up in a fairly steady stream of moving. I lived in England twice during my childhood and have travelled throughout Europe. I never really felt attached or rooted and when I did start to grow roots, I was transplanted once more. For 37 years it felt like this until we moved back to Vermont in 2013.

My main purpose, which has always been a part of my life since I was a child, has been to be of service to others, in whatever way they need. Over time I have learned to not be a people pleaser, but more of a guide for those who seek me out. For people who are ready and willing to heal, together we can make amazing things happen.

In November of 2020 I became a certified Akashic Record Reader, working under the brilliant Josephine Hardman, who I now have the privilege to call a friend and colleague. The many months I spent working for that certification was my first look at the ego, and the internal noise it can create which keeps us from remembering who we really are. It was the first time I broke down the barriers of myself, while also witnessing how I was capable of helping others.

The Emotion Code came about by surprise one day while listening to a podcast. I was so intrigued by the concept, that day I borrowed the book from a friend, read it in 3 days and on the 4th day signed up to be a practitioner. I compare it to the process of brushing your teeth- something to be done often to remove what’s been built up.

I am also a Body Code and Belief Code practitioner, which is very exciting. For me, it feels like the brink of what health care and mental care will look like in the future. As we are able to tap into each other’s stream of consciousness and remove no longer serving energetic blocks, we become the helpers for each other, holding and caring for one another as humans were always meant to do. I have had great success with these modalities, both physical and emotional shifts and healing. Peoples’s lives are coming back to them, feeling ways they haven't felt in decades, and I am grateful and honored to be able to offer this work to the world.

During the summer months I am in the garden working, tending, growing and photographing the changes that are happening in front of my eyes. Daily I photograph the beauty that is all around me as the Vermont landscape alters and I include these in my weekly missive, Sunday Morning Illuminations (you can sign up below.)

I am also a lifelong learner, so I’m often involved in whatever education I find inspiring. In between these hours, along with my husband (who is also an artist), I take care of my family; our two teenage children, two dogs, cat, and a couple dozen chickens. I have a writing practice multiple times a week which ends up either on my weekly email or on my blog post page. You can read some of my blog post writings here. Like most artists, I often have many pots on the stove, all simmering away, tending them the best I can but always with a grateful heart.

About Me as an artist

I entered Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston in 1995 as a photography major, never considering myself to be an ‘artist’. As the years went by and I was able to try my hand at many different mediums, I gained confidence and changed my views about myself. In 1998, the same year I met my husband, I switched majors from photography to fibers, having fallen in love with the loom and weaving. I graduated in 1999 with a whole spectrum of abilities and interests, but it is photography and fibers that I come back to again and again. I am a freelance photographer, doing work for a range of clients from landscape design to food, but my love is the detail work that I do on a daily basis on my own land. I keep up with my fibers work by pairing it with other mediums I enjoy, and every year I teach a Shibori workshop to the kids at my son’s school. Art is a constant in our home and we try to encourage our kids to engage in it as much as possible and do our best to lead by example. You can see my photography work at www.studioroji.com.