my policies

* I do not do readings on health, personal finances or any legal issues. I also do not do fortune/future telling as it is important to stay grounded in the present.

* You will get the most out of a reading if you are willing to do the work being asked of you by the Records. I can give you information until I'm blue in the face, but the real work is up to you. I am not an Oracle for answers, I am here to join you in your quest as a guide only. There is no guaranteed outcome, and the choices you make in your life are yours. Please understand that the information I receive from the Records is for you to know and understand. Sitting with it often produces clarity. The deep work you do on your own after our session is the most important. If I get additional information for you after our session, I will be in touch.

* I am deciphering blocks of information via my human senses the best I am able to, this is where your willingness to collaborate with me will yield the best outcome for you.

* I am not a therapist or counselor, I am here as a guide for a specific issue, block or congestion. My work is not a replacement for a certified therapist.

* I have the right to refuse anyone a reading if I feel as though we are not a good fit. I will try my best to direct you towards someone who may be able to help you. This is nothing personal. Sometimes different types of energies do not mix.

* Our session, and any information you give me is strictly confidential. I will not share your name connected with session material without your consent.

* Payment is $144 for a 90 minutes session, or $144 for a 30-40 minute recorded remote reading with transcript. You will be charged via email when your reading is completed, unless we have made other arrangements.

*For the Zoom option, please be sure to mark your calendar and be ready and grounded (relaxed and in a quiet environment) five minutes before we begin. I am punctual, and will begin the session at the scheduled time. In person readings will also be paid after the session. I take credit cards, checks and cash.

* Life happens, and so do cancellations. If you need to cancel, please try to do so within 24 hours.