energy work packages

Ancestral Healing $180

Using the Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code, I offer 3 sessions specifically working on inherited energies. These consist of releasing inherited trapped emotions, inherited belief systems, miasms (inherited sickness memories) and removing any cords that may run through your family.

Inherited energies are passed down through the DNA when we are conceived. These could be from our parents, but can also be from generations ago—energies that are still lingering, that were never yours and have nothing to do with your life, yet are causing issues that create blockages that have no footing in your day to day existence.

When we release inherited energies from you, they are also released from the family member who trapped them, and all those family member who also inherited them, including your children/potential children. Living or passed on, this work affects everyone involved. Our ancestors were never aware that they passed these energies on to us, but as they go to the other side of the veil, they realize they have a responsibility to us to help us remove these things that were originally theirs. Our ancestors are always with us during this important work, urging us on and cheering for us (and themselves) when the work is done. Not only do we feel lighter when the burden is released, but so do they.

Heart-Wall Clearing $120

Heart-Walls are fortresses we put around our hearts so that we cannot get hurt repeatedly. Often, they are there for a good purpose, but then stay in place, even when the situation has changed, which creates a dumbing/numbing of our emotions and a lack being compassionate towards others. Heart-Walls are usually 30-60 emotions thick, but vary depending on person and age. The subconscious mind randomly chooses these emotional energies to use, like Legos, to build the wall with, however they are not necessarily chosen because they reflect a major emotional event.

Here are some physical and emotional effects that may signal you need your Heart-Wall cleared:

-Neck, shoulder, chest discomfort
-disconnections from others
-more negative emotionally
-respiratory issues
-unmotivated, lack of joy
-lower immune system function
-stuck in a comfort/survival zone
-chronic issues of all kinds
-creative blocks/lack of inspiration

Over a series of sessions (usually 3-6 sessions, but that depends on the size of your Heart-Wall), I will do a full clearing of your Heart-Wall and then do a fortifying and cleansing of your heart which includes removing any Seeking Heart Energy (the energy that causes addictions), clearing any Heart Chakra Imbalances and doing an energetic reset on your whole system.

Clearing Past Relationship Trauma $180

Using all 3 modalities (Emotion, Body and Belief Codes), and done in 3 sessions, we will focus specifically on clearing emotions, trauma, energy from memories, and beliefs focusing specifically on a past relationship. This can be any sort of relationship with one other person, be it a former boss, friend, lover, or relation. This can also include a specific situation in the past involving this other person.

These sessions will likely incorporate some Heart-Wall clearing, beliefs that are no longer congruent, and any mental or physical trauma you may have experienced, along with many other things your subconscious mind wants to release connected to this person and your relationship. This is an excellent way to be freed from triggers and emotions that come up when you see or think about this person.

Please use the contact form to be in touch about any of these packages, or to ask questions.