
About Akashic Records and how I use them:

Akasha is the Sanskrit word for aether or Spirit, the fifth element. The word has been used in many Eastern religion, but the term Askashic Records was introduced to the west by C.W. Leadbeater and Edgar Cayce in the early 1900s. The Akashic Records, also known as the Book of Life, is the energetic storehouse for all thoughts, feelings and actions in this lifetime, past lifetimes and potential future lifetimes (if you don’t believe in past lives that’s okay! The Records make no judgments. Past life work can be used/seen as a symbol in this life too. Time is like a layered cake, so all things happening in the past and future are happening now, which includes healing too.) These actions, thoughts, intents and words create their own vibration and then get stored. This Record Storehouse is not just for humans, but for all lifeforms. The Record Keepers (the librarians) and your Guides want you to have the most helpful information in your current lifetime, so even past life messages that may come up have a direct correlation to this lifetime. You, as a Divine human being, have access to these Records too. For instance, when something comes to you ‘out of the blue’ and it’s exactly what you needed, this is the Records at work. When you are creating and everything comes together like a beautiful symphony, this is the Records at work. Usually when we put our guard down and get immersed in what we are doing, we open ourselves up without even knowing it and that is when we see the beauty shine through. I do this, but in a more focused way. Through training and practice I can enter that state and therefore relate visuals and messages that I am getting. The Record Keepers have a great sense of humor so I never know what is going to come to me. I work mainly in a clairvoyant (clear seeing) or clairecognizant (clear knowing) and once in a while in a clairaudient (clear hearing) way. Being an artist myself, my visuals are very strong, but honestly the Record Keepers will use whatever way works best for you. Symbolism is lost on some people, so they go with more claircognizant information. This is a language that I am learning with every reading I do for both myself and others, a language that is ever-changing.


What I do as an Artists’ Doula:

As artists we have a tendency to get stuck or blocked. We feel creative drought and despair and we don’t know where to turn for help. By accessing your Akashic Records, the Record Keepers, your Guides and I can assist you to move through the blocks and frustration, helping you to see potential solutions and new perspectives so that you can gain back your confidence and give birth to your work, showing it off to the world. We don’t do the work for you, that is ultimately up to you of course, we just take your hand and help guide you to a place of transition and understanding. They know that the work you bring into the world, your work, is your greatest gift and they want to see you succeed. Helping you achieve this goal is my work and this is why I am here.


Who do I work with?

I am willing to work with anyone, artist or not, who is ready to do some of their own work, some creative collaborative work with me, and a little bit of soul-searching or reawakening (because your soul fire never leaves you).  Often the Records will ask you to make a decision during the reading (they are your Records after all) and it is up to you to look within yourself to see what decision needs to be made. This connection to your inner self, your inner trust, is a relationship everyone needs to reacquaint themselves with. This is the most important relationship of your life. My passion is to work with artists of all types because I understand deeply the kinds of ego bullying they are up against, I know what it is like to second guess yourself and go through long creative droughts. I get it because I’ve been there. I want artists to be able to rise up with confidence in their work and their artistic voices, no matter what their medium is. This world needs artists and creatives, and to spend a lifetime feeling stuck is no way to spend this life. Artists’ work needs to be done, needs to be shared, it needs to create a feeling in others who see it, read it or hear it, this is why we do what we do, because we must...there is no other option.